Brexit is a disaster!
Let's get Brexit undone
Make your voice heard
The cost and the consequences of the pandemic plus the knock-on effects of the war in Ukraine are going to be huge and devastating. If that were not
enough, we have Brexit to contend with. Brexit remains a supreme folly,
an act of massive self-harm. That harm is now being felt acutely across the country.
Brexit was an act of economic vandalism. The severity of the effects of Brexit, on top of what we now face, could lead to an economic and social catastrophe.
Johnson's hard Brexit deal has been the equivalent of imposing sanctions upon ourselves. People's lives, businesses and livelihoods are already being destroyed.
We must fight to rejoin the Single Market and the Customs Union as
soon as possible, to reform, and ultimately to rejoin European Union.
Let's not forget that the majority of people in Britain want to rejoin the EU.
Our challenge? To become a voice that no government or opposition can ignore.
We WILL be the voice for rejoin. We WILL be the voice for reform.
Our first task is to expand our membership. We already have thousands
of members and hundreds of new members joining every month.
Our strength will come from our membership.
We need to recruit as many members as we can. JOIN US!
Rejoin and Reform Community
We can't march, meet or demonstrate, but that won't stop Rejoin and Reform becoming a voice that cannot be ignored. It's a sad fact that millions of us across Britain who joined people's marches were ignored. We won't be ignored anymore.
With your help, Rejoin and Reform is going to create a strong online community.
Our first aim is to create a presence on social media platforms. Expand the #RejoinReform following on Twitter, encourage the exchange of facts and ideas on Facebook and WhatsApp and for members to use Google Hangouts to form their own discussion / contact groups. We will be instigating Twitter chats and putting members in touch, as well as using other social media platforms, to spread the Rejoin and Reform message.
We want to encourage discussion, the exchange of ideas, to inform and ultimately
exert all the pressure we can to achieve our aims.
Through regular Rejoin and Reform emails, members will receive briefings and fact sheets on topics relating to rejoining the EU and on reform issues.
We will also be putting pressure on government and opposition through direct contact
and active lobbying, and will report back to the Rejoin and Reform membership.
Rejoin will become a force, a voice, to be reckoned with.
If you want your voice to be heard and to put pressure in the right places, become an
active participant in the Rejoin and Reform Community.
Rejoin and Reform People's Assemblies
When the crisis has passed and the restrictions on holding gatherings have been lifted, we will establish regional groups of Rejoin and Reform members to form
People's Assemblies.
This is an ambitious project, but it will allow us to engage with those in power and give people access to and influence over the decision-making process.
The intention is to use Regional Assemblies in the CHALLENGE phase of our campaign, to exert maximum pressure on government to rejoin the EU.
How will Regional Assemblies work?
Assembly members will be Rejoin and Reform members chosen by a random lottery process (similar to jury selection). Assemblies will be formed to address particular issues.
The issues we will be addressing will be focused on rejoining the EU and all the reforms we in Rejoin and Reform believe are necessary for a better Britain.
Assemblies will provide information and insight, enabling a dialogue to take place with those who make decisions on our behalf. Regional Assemblies ensure that the people are not excluded from the decision-making process, that they become a part of it.
Our aim is to ensure we rejoin the EU and to demand reform. With your help, commitment and enthusiasm, we will achieve our aims.
Lobby your MP - How to contact
Use this link to find out your MP's email address, twitter account etc:
Write to your MP: Address: House of Commons,
London, SW1A 0AA
Telephone your MP: Telephone number:
020 7219 3000.
Ask to be put through to your MP's office