Britain has suffered decades of incompetent government, and there has been little or no institutional reform since the end of WW2, just tinkering at the margins. As a consequence, the country's in a mess and in desperate need of fundamental institutional and constitutional reform.
Here are 12 areas where we believe reforms are necessary to transform our country into a better Britain.
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These policies and reforms are a summary of some of the important issues Rejoin and Reform believe need addressing. They are a guide, and open to comment and discussion.
Tax Reform
• Root and branch reform of the tax system
• Tax relief to end. A relief only to be reinstated on review
• Corporation tax increase to 25%
• Replace business rates with a local sales tax
• Unearned income taxed at the same rate as earned income
• Capital gains to be taxed at 40%
• Inheritance tax paid by the recipient. Loopholes removed
• Introduce a 10% luxury goods tax

Health Reform
• Health and Care Tax. To be hypothecated and progressive
• Introduce a National Care Service (NCS)
• Increase number of hospital beds from 2.8 to 6 per 1000
• Increase critical care beds from 6.6 to 30 per 100,000
• Regions to have their own Health Care Authorities.
• Establishment of Preventative Care units in each region
• Reintroduce nursing bursaries
• Reform NHS dentistry & increase the number of NHS dentists

Housing Reform
• Social Housing building programme. 300k new houses pa
• Regions able to borrow to invest in social housing
• High street regeneration programme retail/residential/leisure
• Introduce empty property tax
• Regional sales tax to replace business rates
• End ‘right to buy’
• Reform planning laws
• Council tax to be updated and 4 ‘super bands’ added
• Introduce rent controls
• Landlord licensing to be introduced

Climate & the Environment
• Policies to support global warming limit of 1.5℃
• 'Reforesting Britain' initiative
• Reduce meat consumption - a 'Climate Meat tax'
• Oceans - increase Marine Protected Areas
• Non essential plastics - a 'Plastic Pollution tax'
• Farming & pesticides - a new model for farming

Education Reform
• Reintroduce EMA – Education Maintenance Grant – in England
• Replace ‘A’ Levels and GCSE with the ‘baccalaureate’ system
• Scrap university tuition fees
• End church involvement in education
• End public school charitable status
• Integrate all public/commercial schools into the state system
• Skills Colleges will be introduced in every region

Economic Reform
• Renaissance infrastructure programme
• Rebalancing of the local economy through regions
• Regional regeneration through new industrial strategy
• Enforce equal pay for women
• Separate retail and investment banking
• A National Investment Bank
• Two new regional banks to support regional businesses