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This is a campaign to give a voice to people who want to rejoin the European Union, and who support the need for fundamental reform for a better Britain.



Brexit is greatest act of self-harm in our history. It's an act of economic vandalism. It's destroying our country, destroying livelihoods and destroying our future. It's a catastrophe for Britain.

Our country has been diminished and marginalised by Brexit, its reputation destroyed and its people betrayed, It's been a project driven by lies, disinformation and dishonesty.

Once the Tories had been driven from office, the hope was that a new Labour government  would listen to the majority - who want to rejoin the EU - and that it would begin the process of rejoining the European Union by rejoining the Single Market and the Customs Union. The government has made it clear that this is not going to happen.


The Prime Minister has said that "we will not rejoin the European Union in his lifetime", refusing to even contemplate rejoining the Single Market and the Customs Union. This flies in the face of common sense. It is against the will of the majority and against the best interests of the country.​

Our fight to rejoin the EU continues.

The people want to rejoin the Single Market and the Customs Union, they want free movement

 The country needs Brexit undone!

Brexit, the grand delusion that spawned our self-destruction is dead. There are some who still doggedly refuse to admit it even when the stench of its rotting corpse has become overpowering.

The Brexit bubble burst when fantasy politics collided with reality. Brexit broke the link between governance and reason. Politicians living in a fantasy world convinced themselves, and a gullible electorate worn down by austerity, that you could throw away all ties with our biggest trading partner, and get richer. It was a fantasy, it was a lie, it was a con.


There were never, and there will never be, any advantages to Brexit, only disadvantages. There never were any opportunities, and there never will be. Trade with the EU has fallen off a cliff. The City, our golden egg, has haemorrhaged assets and jobs. Britain, the country and its people, are poorer because of Brexit. Thousands of businesses have gone bust and livelihoods destroyed - all because of Brexit. Brexit, it's not a disaster, it's a catastrophe. It cannot be allowed to continue, it MUST be undone.









If the government refuses to listen to the majority -

we demand a Referendum!

​Well over 60% of the population want to rejoin. This figure rises to 88% when it comes to the under 30s.

It really isn't for politicians or political parties to go against what the majority want. Nor should they deny a say on such an important issue, an issue which is having a hugely negative impact on everybody's lives, and will for many years to come unless Brexit is reversed.

For five years, the Rejoin Campaign has been advocating a three stage approach to rejoining the European Union. We believe this is the best way forward, and the one we believe the government should adopt. So far the government has refused to even contemplate rejoining the Single Market, far less the EU. It refuses to give any explanation for its position, which is unacceptable.


What we are now learning is that Prime Minister is going to continue to issue 25 year contracts for 74 Special Economic Zones (SEZs). (SEZs were initiated by arch-neoliberal Liz Truss.) The proposed type of SEZ is outlawed by the EU because it doesn't comply with their 'level playing field' rules. If this turns out to be the case - he hasn't confirmed or denied it - the Prime Minister will make rejoining anything impossible. This both underhand and deceitful. There has been no public consultation about SEZs, and Rachel Reeves has even refused permission for the National Audit Office to investigate England's SEZ's. Is this the real reason for the Prime Minister's refusal to give any explanation for his refusal to rejoin anything, or is he running scared of Nigel Farage and the Daily Mail?


We had hoped that a new Labour government would be our salvation, but it's turning out to be our next problem. To deliberately go against the wishes of the majority and the best interests of the country, is totally unacceptable. If the government continues to ignore the majority, we demand a REFERENDUM.

Whatever happens, we have a fight on our hands, but we MUST prevail, and with your support, we will.


We should be taking these three steps
towards rejoining the European Union



Rejoin the Single Market and the Customs Union



 Reform Britain.



Rejoin the European Union


European unity has never been more important 

The European Union is the most successful trading bloc in world history, but it's more than that. It has united European nations in common cause to work for peace, security and prosperity.

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the EU's reaction to Putin's invasion has demonstrated its resolve and determination to galvanise members into positive action. Although much more effort is required, it demonstrated the importance of unity. We've played our part, but when the peace and security of Europe is at stake, and America is now an unreliable ally, it's vital we form a united European front against Putin's overt aggression and his attempts to destabalise Europe.  

Brexit has divided us from our European friends and divided our nation - and weakened Europe. This is a time for unity, not division.  It's imperative we get Brexit undone. We must have our say in a referendum.

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We're in a mess!

There has been no meaningful reform of our institutions since the end of WW2. One of the first reforms must be to change the outmoded and undemocratic first past the post system. In the recent election it delivered a Labour government with majority of 172 with only 34% of the popular vote. Even taking into account that people voted tactically to remove a deeply unpopular Tory government, the majority of people, as in the previous election, did not vote for the government. This makes a mockery of our so-called democracy.

We will campaign for the introduction of Proportional Representation.

Today, our politics is both dysfunctional and corrupt because of the way it is funded. The interests of the electorate have become secondary to interests of wealthy donors and corporations. It's important that we adopt the recommendations of the Kelly Report on political party funding and take money out of politics. 

​We will campaign to TAKE MONEY OUT OF POLITICS.

See our reforms  >

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Brexit was engineered and funded by those who want to destabilise the EU, and those who profit from chaos and disruption. They were assisted by a zealous Brexit cult whose selfish and questionable interests have all but destroyed Britain. We must undo the chaos they have caused and the damage they have done. We must hold this government's feet to the fire to ensure it happens. 

Brexit has marginalised us, isolated us and diminished us. We have to change this. It's now time to rediscover the hopes and benefits of a connected world. We are a part of the European community of nations, which we should support through membership of the European Union. United we are strong, divided, the peace, security and prosperity of all European nations, including our own, is at risk.

Join our campaign to rejoin!

Become a part of the Rejoin Campaign Community


Our Community

Join us and let's become a force for reason and for common sense. Let's strengthen the consensus for rejoining the EU and make our voice heard. Let's demand the reforms our country so badly needs. With your help, we can.

Here's what you can do:


Sign up

If you really want to make a difference, to make your voice heard, join a community of like minded people who want to rejoin the EU and demand the reforms that Britain needs so badly. Sign up  today.



Spread the word

You will know, and will have met many people who share your views. You may have marched with them on a people's march. Why not contact them and tell them about the Rejoin Campaign?



Join us - thousands have joined our campaign

Sign up here > > >

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